goal setting fundamentals

Through proven concepts taught by a Certified Behavior Change Specialist, participants will learn how to create and follow through on a clear vision of what is possible for themselves, encouraging sustainability over burnout. 

With this refreshed approach to goal setting, attendees will have the opportunity to reconnect their personal and professional identities, affirming their role in the workplace. Connecting one's values and motivations to purpose at work is essential for a thriving company. 

The following questions will guide this workshop:

How do my company's values align with my own? How can I integrate this into my daily work?

What do I define success as, and what do I want it to look like?

What is possible for me in my professional career, and what would it take for me to believe it is true?

What will I be happy to know I gave attention and energy to over the last year?

By the end of the workshop, individuals will have created a clear plan for themselves that emphasizes their personal and professional values, setting them up for a successful and fulfilling year.  

While this workshop is supportive any time of year, it is especially relevant leading up to the beginning of a new year or new quarter.